This is definitely going to be interesting. Since last week there have been strikes in the country (due to the ungovernability of the Duke deputy president and now what happened with Dilan, along with the pack, he is doing it and privatizing everything until the pensions) that is, the country is indebted and is affecting the future of the millennial that is now young (in 2030 or 2040 it will not be)

We want you to guarantee us in education and health, but also that it does not stigmatize alternative media or startups as criminals.

It’s as if the government wants the Colombian millennial to never retire (but we need that guarantee and he doesn’t pay us for hours)

Rather, work two years maximum and save to work remotely or have business online (this is the best option and so you can live decently in our country)

Nor do we take the pensions from the young man. We want him to listen. And let us work according to the new times.

Ancient time is dying and you have to adapt to it.

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