How much information do I have to explain about my service? How much detail do I have to give about each one? Wait … what do you know the answer to? IT DEPENDS!

Having a locksmith service is not the same as having a comprehensive insurance for drone users. It will depend on how complex or simple your project is and the services you offer. Again, you are the one who best knows the services you offer. Nobody better than you should know how to perfectly explain what you do.

Take a moment and think: is it difficult for me to explain what my services consist of? If you answer yes, imagine how difficult it can be for the user to understand what you are doing if they do not even know you or have heard of you. If you think a lot of information is needed, avanti; Yes you think it is better to be short and concise, great too.

Therefore, although we have the phone number on the web, we highlight the forms and emails as a form of contact.

Be smart! It is you who chooses how you want to be contacted and thanks to the design of the web you can unconsciously guide the user to convert as it suits you.

If you want to be called because put the large and visible phone number. If you want them to put a WhatsApp, put the logo and a mobile next to it that invites you to write to you … Does that seem quite logical? Well, you don’t know how many times our advice from some clients is passed.

Does that text chorizo ​​really matter to the user? Again, applying common sense, put yourself in the shoes of the user and think if he wants to read 15 minutes of text explaining how well you work and how good you are.

Does that text chorizo ​​really care to the user? Again, applying common sense, put yourself in the shoes of the user and think if he wants to read 15 minutes of text explaining how well you work and how good you are.

Again I have to add a nuance that we will see later but I will introduce now: if your client is a very technical profile. He needs you to tell him everything. Use technicalities and clarify any doubts that a professional who knows the sector perfectly may have.

However, if your client is the final consumer and does not have to have a clue about your sector, think about usability, copywriting and more attractive persuasion and sales techniques. You have to convince him earlier and better than your competition.


As I have told you before, it is very important that you keep in mind who you are addressing.

If your business is Business To Business: use technicalities and delve into the information of the service, explaining every detail and elaborating if you feel like it. You are trying to convince another professional that you are the best option, and for this you should not leave any loose ends, bear in mind that your client also knows about this …
If your business is Business To Consumer: here, dear friend, you don’t have it ‘so easy’. It is possible that there are companies like yours offering a similar service and at a similar price. You must win over the user with techniques such as copywriting, with comfort, simplicity and creativity. The user who is browsing to see who he stays with is not going to read carefully all your virtues. He wants to see quickly and directly what you are going to do for him. Make it easy!


We have already talked in this blog about how to choose the perfect images for a web page. You can buy them, choose them royalty-free on the Internet or make them yourself.

I dare to say that the images on the services page are the most important on a website. You must choose those that faithfully represent the service you choose and that, in addition, are attractive to attract the attention of the user.

Said like this it may seem simple, but it is true that in the end we go a little crazy looking for the perfect photo and we end up choosing the first one we see in a bank of images without copyright.

Look for images that accompany your brand image and also represent more of the final product that the user would obtain, not so much the product itself. I have thought that with an example it may be easier. Imagine that you have a painting company and one of your services is to paint houses… Tell me what kind of photos you should keep.


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