In this last section there is a word that you should repeat yourself non-stop: HONESTY.

The objective of this final part of your services page is to reinforce the doubts that the client may have with testimonials from other clients and logos of those who have already trusted you.

Now, don’t go upstairs… if you’re going to put opinions that are from RE-A-LES clients. Do not make up your opinions or put a photo in the gallery as if it were a client because it DOES NOT OOTE a lot and SUBSTRATES credibility. It’s doing yourself a disservice.

And the same thing happens with logos: if one day you took a letter to Coca-Cola, it is not your client automatically. Choose those most representative with whom you have really worked.



And to finish … LAST important TIPS !:

Navigation: get a user to reach your services in a maximum of 2-3 clicks
Usability: don’t forget to check how your website looks from other devices and optimize it
Always answer the question: “What am I an expert in helping my client?
Take this ‘guide’ on the services page of a corporate website as a guide. Each business, services, corporate identity and web pages are different, and making an article that works for everyone is impossible =)… don’t make me say it again…

Well, I’m going to say it yelling: DEPENDDDDD!!!


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