
Presets are presets or adjustment settings to achieve a certain look or style in an image. In simpler words, it is like an Instagram filter for photographers. You can modify and customize the presets to suit your images.

This allows large groups of images to be edited simultaneously, being time efficient and consistent in style.

The best part of all this is that anyone can create their own edits and adjustments, save them as presets and you already have a preset.

So if you are a photographer who is just starting out and you don’t know how to achieve a certain style, you can buy presets of your favorite photographers, use them, modify them and find your own editing style.


I truly believe that time is our most valuable currency. While it is good to edit images, there are also other things that I like to do instead of being behind my computer all day.

Can you imagine editing 250 photos from scratch? I took the time to edit an image and then you can create a preset of that session and use those same settings on the other 250 photos and then I just had to adjust certain things to achieve the style that I was looking for.



Presets simplify your workflow by giving you a starting point when you start editing an image.

Lightroom can be intimidating and can take years to master, and presets are a good way to understand what settings and tools other creators are using.

After you’ve downloaded and imported the presets, you can study another creator’s style, and this is amazing, because you can determine how they got to that style.

Presets simplify your workflow by giving you a starting point when you start editing an image.


With Lightroom presets, you can test a variety of styles on an image in seconds.

This is quite powerful because it can help you to give ideas of what tones look best in your photograph.

These small adjustments create versatility for the different conditions you can shoot in while keeping your images consistent and quality.


Consistency is another reason why it’s good to use presets. The presets allow us to maintain a certain look in our images, a certain style and similar tones.

This is quite important. Let’s say that someone hires us, and we have photographs with different editing styles and different colors, the client will not know what to expect from us.

On the other hand, if you have a consistent look in our photographs, the client will know what to expect when hiring us.

If you are interested in knowing more about presets for you who are a digital nomad. follow this link here:


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